Letter from the Under-Secretary-General

by Ayşe Zeynep Öztürk

Esteemed Participants,

I am honored to extend my warm greetings to all distinguished delegates attending the Tevfik İleri Model United Nations Conference. My name is Ayşe Zeynep Öztürk, and I am currently pursuing my studies in International Relations at the University of Galatasaray. Serving as the Under Secretary General for the Interpol committee, I am thrilled to guide you through a challenging and enriching experience.

Participating in Model United Nations conferences offers a unique opportunity for young minds to engage in the intricate process of problem-solving and diplomacy. It is truly gratifying for me to be a part of an organization that brings together the brightest minds to address global issues. Hence, our committee, Interpol, plays a crucial role in addressing international crises, and the agenda item for our discussions is the "Crises Caused by the Wagner Group." As we delve into this complex topic, it is imperative for us to consider the far-reaching implications of the actions of the Wagner Group and explore effective measures to mitigate the crises at hand.

I encourage each delegate to come prepared with a deep understanding of their country's position and a genuine willingness to collaborate in forging meaningful agreements. To facilitate your preparation, I recommend thoroughly reviewing the provided "Study Guide" and crafting a position paper that outlines your country's stance and relevant background information. Compile any additional research specific to your country in a binder or folder for quick and easy reference during the conference.

I look forward to a productive and enlightening conference, filled with fruitful discussions and innovative solutions.

Yours Sincerely, Ayşe Zeynep Öztürk aysezeynepozturkyahoo.com

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